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Zhydovska Nataliia
PhD, acting assistant professor
Lviv National Agrarian University
Development of market relations and integration transformation in Ukraine has caused reformation of accounting system. Urgent tasks of the state are to elaborate and adequately apply such accounting and reporting methodology which meets the international standards, which, in their turn, are the best unified requirements to organization and maintenance of accounting and directed at approaching of national accounting systems. The state should establish principles and approaches concerning management and formation of accounting regulations, rules and procedures of information processing and financial reports preparation.  
Since January 1, 1998 Ukraine’s banking system has started transformation to the international accounting standards and initiated reformation of accounting system in Ukraine.  Accounting reformation in banks of Ukraine occurs by means of elaboration of substantially new normal and legal acts regulating order of the accounting of financial instruments according to the international standards and new order of composition and structure of financial reports [2].
But great amount of obstructive antinomies hinder evolution of accounting system and financial reporting in banks of Ukraine:
·        non-agreement and certain changes of some legislative norms;
·        absence of corresponding market infrastructure in Ukraine;
·        absence of statistic data and its application in the estimation  process;
·         discrepancy between the requirements of international authorities.
     An important stage in the integration of domestic system of bank accounting was to adopt Tax Code of Ukraine. It helped to approach tax norms to methodology of accounting. For today non-agreement of principal legislation has been removed. The Article 68 LU "On Banks and Banking Activity” states that banks carry accounting according to domestic accounting system which has been developed basing on the rules established by the National Bank of Ukraine according to the international standards of accounting.  
One should mention that fulfillment of legislatively established tasks happens in parallel with observation of changes which occur at the level of the international standards of accounting. Basing on the fact the NBU and MFU have signed memorandum on interaction, collaboration and coordination of actions as to introduction of the ISFR in Ukraine. It points out:
1.     coordination of activity in the sphere of introduction of the ISFR in Ukraine;
2.     to make maximum efforts for successful fulfillment of measures on introduction of the ISFR in Ukraine;
3.     to propose joining to the memorandum by authorities, public organization and other interested persons.
The nearest plans of the NBU are:
·        development of a concept of improvement of accounting methodology and formation of financial reporting of banks of Ukraine;
·        approval of new Instruction on composition and presentation of financial reports by banks of Ukraine;
·        introduction of changes in the effective Instruction on accounting banks’ transactions.
Process of application of the international standards of financial reporting in banks of Ukraine should be gradual and purposeful one. Drawbacks and non-agreements of the domestic accounting system should be removed according to the requirements of market economy. Modern ISFR are dynamic system directed at unification of principles and methods of recognition, estimation and reveal of information in financial reports and oriented at needs of capital markets.
Further organization of the process of accounting regulation in banks of Ukraine anticipates [1]:
1.     application of the ISFR as officially accepted requirements to construction and improvement of methodology of accounting and formation of financial reporting;
2.     legislative regulations of effective fundamentals and instructions, adopted by decisions of Board of the NBU;
3.     assistance by recommendations as to application of the ISFR, methods of financial instruction accounting and filling of articles of financial reports.
Taking into account more than 10-year experience of transfer to the ISFR one may say that integration happens very slowly, but the absolute fact is that banking system is very important component as a ground and dominant one in financial world as a whole.
1.     Holov S. International standards of financial reporting: improvement and application // Accounting and audit. – 2007. - № 11.
2.     International standards of accounting / Transl. from Engl. Edited by S.F.Holov. – K.: Federation of professional accountants and auditors of Ukraine, 2010. – 736p.
3.     Solovieva O. What is GAAP?: accounting abroad // Accounting and audit. – 2009. - №5.– P. 72 – 81.
4.     Sopko V. Economic and legal fundamentals and directions of unification and adaptation of terminology of accounting and control for the needs of international standardization // Finance of Ukraine.  – 2011. – № 8.
Категорія: Секція_2_2012_12_11-12 | Додав: clubsophus (2012-12-11)
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