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Martynyuk Veronika
candidate of sciences,
Popovych Halina
Bukovina state university of finance and economics,
Social audit as a term was used as far back as the 1950s. At present a great  number of scientists (Andryuschenko A., Balakyryeva O., Ischenko O., Kasperovytch O., Masuryk O., Polyakova S., Syryi E. et alta [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]) focus their research on this vital sphere of external auditing.
The topicality of this article is that in the era of corporate social responsibility, where corporations are often expected not just to deliver value to consumers and shareholders but also to meet environmental and social standards deemed desirable by some vocal members of the general public, social audits can help companies create, improve and maintain a positive public relations image.
Social audit is a way of measuring, understanding, reporting and ultimately improving an organization’s social and ethical performance [5]. Social audit helps to narrow gaps between vision/goal and reality, between efficiency and effectiveness. It is a technique to understand, measure, verify, report on and to improve the social performance of the organization.
Social audit verifies how programs and services are being carried out, with the goal of making them better and more reflective of social, environmental, and community objectives. Social audit involves a systematic evaluation of public records and user feedback. It is intended to help users understand and assess the strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures of a programme or service, with an aim to make improvements.
Social Audit is a formal review of a company’s endeavors in social responsibility. Social audit looks at factors such as a company’s record of charitable giving, volunteer activity, energy use, transparency, work environment and worker pay as well as benefits to evaluate what kind of social and environmental impact a company is having in the locations where it operates. Social audits are optional – companies can choose whether to perform them and whether to release the results publicly or only use them internally.
Social auditing creates an impact upon governance. It values the voice of stakeholders, including marginalized/poor groups whose voices are rarely heard. Social auditing is taken up for the purpose of enhancing local governance, particularly for strengthening accountability and transparency in local bodies.
Social audit focuses on the neglected issue of social impacts, while a development audit has a broader focus including environment and economic issues, such as the efficiency of a project or programme [7].
Social audits can take different forms and cover a range of actors and practices. They can be undertaken individually or jointly by government, civil society and/or community-level actors. In the context of state institutions, social audits supplement conventional financial audits to help government departments and public agencies compare their overall performance, as perceived by the public, with their stated core values and objectives.
Depending upon available resources, social audits can be of varying size and scope, ranging from comprehensive national audits to localized community audits. Social audits are sometimes undertaken as a one-off event but are usually more effective when planned as an ongoing process, undertaken at regular intervals. Social audits use participatory techniques to involve all relevant stakeholders (especially traditionally marginalized or underserved groups) in collecting and analyzing evidence, providing feedback, and recommending changes where necessary.
The main drivers in social compliance auditing are retailers and brand manufacturers. This process allows them to have control over their supply chains and ensure they are working with socially responsible and quality companies [6].
Factories are assessed against a list of nine standards (child labor, forced labor, health and safety, freedom of association, discrimination etc.) as well as customer specified requirements to ensure fair and ethical production of goods. The social audit addresses customer concerns regarding human rights in the workplace.
A social compliance audit verifies data collected to determine whether an organization is meeting standards it set for social and ethical performance [6]. The social compliance evaluation also assesses the impact of the organization on communities and others involved with the organization, like employees, consumers, clients and suppliers. Ideally, the social audit process is: inclusive, participatory, thorough, verifiable, transparent, and dedicated to making the project or service better.
To make the social compliance audit process effective one should take the following steps:
1)    Select a team to perform the audit. For maximum effectiveness, select experienced and highly detail-oriented individuals. Appoint the most qualified candidate to oversee the team.
2)    Segregate different areas of the company to audit.
3)    Obtain copies of departmental procedures for each area you intend to audit.
4)    Review all reports pertaining to production and volume. Use this to determine the sample size to audit. Adjust the size of your audit team accordingly.
5)    Determine a timeline.
6)    Create a checklist of items each auditor should observe when reviewing a file.
7)    Develop a system for reporting your findings and recommendations. Ensure that all information is arranged in a logical and easily understood manner.
An effective compliance audit process ensures your company is following regulations and avoiding sanctions. By developing and enacting an effective compliance audit process, the company accomplishes two things. First, it gives itself the best chance to catch compliance issues before they become a problem. Second, it shows the external examiners that the company is doing everything in its power to adhere to the required regulations.
Auditors [1; 2; 5; 7] state that some potential problems remain: a) Reporting organization can deliberately limit audit scope in order to avoid controversies; b) Process can be managed internally to the disadvantage of some external stakeholders; c) Some significant stakeholders may be omitted; d) Organization may use arbitrary or inappropriate indicators to evaluate outcomes; e) The standards, independence and honesty of the auditor may be open to question.
Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that the key factors for successful Social Compliance Audit are: Level of information shared with and involvement of stakeholders, particularly of the rural poor, women, and other marginalized sections; Commitment, seriousness and clear responsibilities for follow-up actions by elected members of the company; Involvement of key facilitators in the process.
1. Волков С. Соціальний аудит як механізм оптимізації управління розвитком соціальної сфери / С. Волков, А. Андрющенко // Профспілки України. – 2008. – № 4. – С. 10–13.
2. Балакірєва О. М. Соціально відповідальний бізнес в Україні: поняття та основні чинники / О. М. Балакірєва, Ю. М. Галустян // Український соціум. – 2007. – № 5-6. – С. 14–27.
3. Мазурик О.В. Соціальний аудит в системі соціального партнерства: механізми оптимізації / О.В. Мазурик // Економіка. 2009. – № 15. – C. 137-144.
4. Полякова С.В. Соціальний аудит як технологія управління соціальними процесами / Полякова С. В. // Економіка розвитку. – 2011. – № 1(57). – C. 46-49.
Категорія: Секція_5_2012_12_11-12 | Додав: clubsophus (2012-12-11)
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