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Головна » Статті » 2013_05_30-31_KamPodilsk » Природничий блок досліджень

Zadnipryany I.V., Professor of Normal human anatomy department,
Sataieva T.P., PhD of Medical biology department
Crimea State Medical University
Simferopol, Ukraine
Stunned and Hibernating Myocardium
Both the hibernating and the stunned myocardium are characterized by reversible contractile dysfunction. In hibernating myocardium ischaemia is still ongoing, whereas in stunned myocardium blood flow is fully or almost fully restored. Both the hibernating and the stunned myocardium retain an inotropic reserve. In hibernating myocardium the increase in contractile function is at the expense of metabolic recovery whereas in stunned myocardium no metabolic deterioration occurs during inotropic stimulation. Therefore, inotropic stimulation in combination with metabolic imaging may help not only to identify viable, dysfunctional myocardium but also to distinguish between hibernating and stunned myocardium. The therapy of hibernating myocardium is to restore blood flow to the hypoperfused tissue. Myocardial stunning per se requires no therapy at all, since by definition blood flow is normal and contractile function will recover spontaneously. If, however, myocardial stunning is severe, involves large parts of the left ventricle and thus impairs global left ventricular function, it can be reversed with inotropic agents and procedures. In the experimental setting, antioxidant agents, calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors attenuate stunning, most effectively when administered before ischaemia [2, 4].
There are 2 major hypotheses for myocardial stunning: (1) a oxygen-free radical hypothesis and (2) a calcium overload hypothesis. Postischemic dysfunction may be due to cytotoxic oxygen-derived free radicals (ie, hydroxyl radicals, superoxide anions) that are thought to be generated during occlusion or, upon reperfusion. Such radicals cause lipid peroxidation, altering their function and structure [1].
Normal cardiac contraction depends on the maintenance of calcium cycling and homeostasis across the mitochondrial membrane and sarcoplasmic reticulum during each cardiac cycle. Brief ischemia followed by reperfusion damages Ca2+ pump and ion channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This results in the electromechanical uncoupling of energy generation from contraction that characterizes myocardial stunning. Calcium accumulates in the cell at the time of reperfusion and that is followed by a partial failure of normal beat-to-beat calcium cycling, which perhaps occurs at the level of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This mechanism is proposed to account for contractile dysfunction. Structurally, myocytes in stunned myocardium appear normal when examined by light microscopy. The appearance of glycogen vacuoles adjacent to mitochondria and of myofibrillary loss are noted in most cases of hibernating myocardium when examined by electron microscopy. Several controversies exist regarding these histologic changes [1, 3].
Several animal models have been proposed to demonstrate the physiologic significance of coronary stenosis, in which a regulation of flow and downregulation of metabolism lead to hibernating myocardium. The key determinant of this adaptive process is a reduction in the coronary perfusion reserve that results from critical coronary stenosis [2, 5]. Conti demonstrated that the production of an acute and critical reduction in coronary flow reserve (CFR) in chronically instrumented pigs leads to an accelerated progression of chronic stunning proceeding to hibernation in less than 2 weeks. The time frame for the transition from stunning to hibernation can be fairly short, and it is directly related to the degree of flow impairment in a stenotic coronary artery that supplies the dysfunctional segment. As the ischemic threshold decreases with a reduction in the CFR, repetitive stunning results in a delay in the recovery of function that becomes longer than the interval between ischemic episodes. The image below shows a schematic diagram of the potential mechanism of myocardial stunning. Several other groups have also demonstrated impairment of coronary vasodilator reserve in chronically dysfunctional myocardium. It has been shown that in patients with CAD, flow reserve decreases as the degree of stenosis is increased, and flow reserve is absent with stenoses as great as 80% of the luminal diameter. Progression of coronary stenosis to a critical limit and a loss of the CFR mean that subendocardial flow cannot accommodate the increasing demand, predisposing myocardium to hibernation. Borderline impairment with frequent intermittent ischemia when demand increases may suffice to cause hibernation. Certainly, chronic resting ischemia causes hibernation [1, 5].
Differentiating between subendocardial ischemia and hibernating myocardium can be difficult. Collectively, these findings indicate that chronic repetitive ischemia that progresses to hibernating myocardium is associated with regional downregulation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, with changes in calcium regulation and gene expression. These changes are accompanied by modest increases in myocyte apoptosis and a reduction in the regional myocyte nuclear density. These same structural and functional findings occur in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy of ischemic origin.
1. Cowan F. Outcome after intrapartum asphyxia in term infants / F. Cowan // Semin. Neonatol. — 2000. — Vоl. 5. — № 2. — Р. 127 – 140.
2. Jennings R.B., Reimer K.A. Lethal myocardial ischemic injury / R.B. Jennings, K.A. Reimer // Amer. J. Pathol. — 1982. — V. 122. — P. 219 – 231.
3. Jensen A. Dynamics of fetal circulatory responses to hypoxia and asphyxia / A. Jensen, Y. Gamier, R. Berger // Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Вiol. — 1999. — Vol. 84. — № 2. — Р. 155 – 172.
4. Wickline S.A., Lanza G.M. Molecular imaging, targeted therapeutic and nanoscience / S.A. Wickline, G.M. Lanza // J. Cell Biochem. — 2002. — Vol. 39. — P. 90-97.
5. Wickline S.A., Lanza G.M. Nanotechnology for molecularimaging and target therapy / S.A. Wickline, G.M. Lanza // Circulation. — 2003. — Vol. 107. — P. 10.
Категорія: Природничий блок досліджень | Додав: clubsophus (2013-05-31)
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