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Осокіна Н.М., д.с.-г.н., професор, Любич В.В., к.с.-г.н., доцент,

Полянецька І.О., к.с.-г.н., викладач, Возіян В.В., аспірант

Уманський національний університет садівництва

м. Умань, Україна




Triticum spelta L. (spelt wheat) – is the hexaploid wheat with genomic composition homologous to soft wheat. K.A. Flyaksberger [1] and P.M. Zhukovsky [2] describe spelt wheat as a crop which can be grown in poor soils and in mountainous terrain. It is relatively resistant to cold and excessive moisture. Spelt was spread in Europe and Asia, is mentioned in the treatises of ancient Rome and medieval monks. Mankind has used this cereal for a millennium and reasons are still unknown why it has been forgotten for many years [3]. The flour obtained from the grain of this wheat is suitable for the production of top quality confectionery products [4-6]. Negative economic qualities of the spelt include quite rough shells that fit snugly to the grain [7].

The experimental part of the work was carried out in the laboratory of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain at Uman National University of Horticulture during 2013-2014. Spelt varieties were used obtained by selection from local varieties – Schwabenkorn, NSS 6/01, Frankenkorn, Shvedskaya 1, Avstraliiskaya 1 and hybrids obtained by hybridization of Tr. aestivum / Tr. spelta – LPP 3218, LPP 1305, NAK 44/12–2, NAK 34/12–2, NAK 22/12, LPP 3132, LPP 3124, LPP 1197, LPP 3435, LPP 4113, LPP 1224, LPP 3131, LPP 3117, LPP 1304 which were grown in the conditions of Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Control (standard) was regionalized spelt variety Zoria of Ukraine in this zone.

Content of gluten protein fractions in spelt grain varied depending on the variety. Among varieties obtained by selection the lowest indicator is in grain of varieties Avstraliiskaya 1 and Frankenkorn – 65.8 and 66.0% respectively. Grain of other varieties exceeded standard by 0.5-4.4 points or by 1-6%.

The largest content of gluten protein fractions in grain among varieties obtained by hybridization of Tr. aestivum / Tr. Spelta was in varieties NAK 22/12, LPP 1305, LPP 1304, LPP 1197 and was 70.9-85.8% which by 0.3-15.2 points or 0.4-21.5% more than standard. In grain of other varieties this indicator varied between 61.0-79.3%.

On average, over two years of research the content of water and salt-soluble protein fractions in spelt grain ranged between 14.2-39.0%. Varieties obtained by selection showed a high content of water and salt-soluble protein fraction which ranged between 25.0-34.2%. Among them grain of varieties Frankenkorn and Avstraliiskaya 1 exceeded standard on 4.6-4.8 points or 16.0%.

Among varieties obtained by hybridization of Tr. aestivum / Tr. Spelta grain of varieties LPP 3131, LPP 3132, NAK 44/12-2, LPP 3435 and LPP 1224 exceeded standard on 0.1-9.6 points or 1.0-33.0%. In grain of other varieties content of water and salt-soluble protein fraction ranged between 14.2-29.1%.

It was found that the high gluten content is caused by its high hydration ability. Corn of most varieties of the spelt has a high content of albumins and globulins: Frankenkorn (34.0%), Avstraliiskaya 1 (34.2%), LPP 3435 (30.5%) and LPP 1224 (39.0%).



1. Flyaksberger K.A. (1935). Pshenitsa – rod Triticum L. “Kul’turnaya flora SSSR”. Khlebnye zlaki. Pshenitsa [Wheat – is the genus Triticum L. “Cultural flora of the USSR” Cereals. Wheat]. Moscow-Leningrad: Gosizdatel’stvo sovkhoxnoi i kolkhoznoi literatury, 17–404.

2. Zhukovsky P.M. (1971). Kul’turnye rasteniya i ikh sorodichi [Cultivated plants and their relatives]. Leningrad: Kolos, 752.

3. Podpriatov G.I., Yashchuk N.O. (2013). Prydatnist’ zerna pshenytsi spel’ty ozymoi dlia khlibopekars’kykh ta kormovykh tsilei [Suitability of grain of wheat winter spelt for baking purposes and fodder]. New agricultural technologies, 1(1), 71–79.

4. Jorgensen J.R., Olsen С.С. (1997). Yield and quality assessment of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) compared with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Denmark. Spelt and Quina. Working Group Meeting. Wageningen, the Netherlands, 33–38.

5. Eltun R., Aasven M. (1997). The possibilities for spelt cultivation in Norway. Spelt and Quina. Working Group Meeting. Wageningen, the Netherlands, 7–13.

6. Dahlstedt L. (1997). Spelt Wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. Spelta (L.)): An alternative crop for ecological farming systems. Spelt and Quina. Working Group Meeting. Wageningen, the Netherlands, 3–6.

7. Krivchenko V.I. (1984). Ustoichivost’ zernovykh kolosovykh k vozbuditeliam golovnevykh boleznei [Resistance of cereals to the pathogens of smut disease]. Moscow, 303.

Категорія: Секція/Section_1_2015_06_4-5 | Додав: clubsophus (2015-06-03)
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